Jeg har længe haft glæde af det her san, men mit behov for så heftig lagring er ikke så stort iøjeblikket. så derfor skal det sælges.
San’et er solgt..
Til Salg: IBM DS4100 SAN, EXP 100 Expansion Qlogic Fiber Card. Komplet 6.8TB SAN.
IBM DS4100 SAN, EXP 100 Expansion Qlogic Fiber Card. Komplet 6.8TB SAN.
(Kan udvides til 10.9TB eller med extra EXP100 til 43.75TB)
Sælges da jeg ikke længere har behov for så meget SAN storage.
IBM DS4100 (FAStT100) Model 1724-100:

- 14 x 250GB Hotswap SATA HDD
- To Controllere / Redundant Failover – Dual Access Muligt
- Redundant PSU
- To stk. FC Porte 2GB
- To stk. Lan Porte 10/100 Autosense for Remote Administration
- Com Port for Remote Administration, Kabel medfølger.
- Enterprise Klasse features, herunder IBM Enhanced Remote Mirroring, VolumeCopy, FlashCopy®, Dynamic Volume Expansion, Dynamic Capacity Expansion, Dynamic RAID Expansion and Dynamic Segment Size.
IBM TotalStorage DS4100 at a glance
Model 1724-100
RAID controller Single/dual active 2GB RAID controllers
Cache memory 256MB/512MB total, battery-backed
Host interface 2/4 Fibre Channel (FC) Switched and FC Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) standard
Drive interface 2 Gbps FC-AL
Supported drives 400GB 7,200 rpm, 250GB 7,200 rpm
RAID levels 0, 1, 3, 5, 10
Storage partitioning Standard Host Group, upgradeable to 4, 8 or 16 partitions
Maximum drives supported 112 Serial ATA drives (using seven DS4000 EXP100 Expansion Units)
Fans and power supplies Redundant, hot-swappable
Rack support 19-inch, industry-standard rack
Management software IBM TotalStorage DS4000 Storage Manager Version 9.15
SAN support Supported IBM FC switches and directors (product numbers 2005, 2109, 3534, 2031, 2032, 2034, 2042, 2061 and 2062)
Optional copy service Enhanced Remote Mirroring, VolumeCopy, FlashCopy
Physical characteristics
Dimensions 132.3 mm H x 482 mm W x 597 mm D (5.2 in x 19 in x 24 in)
Weight 30 kg (66 lbs)IBM DS4100 Udbydes til nypris 60.051,- incl 3 stk. 250 GB disk.
Most businesses today must retain a growing volume of valuable data that is rarely accessed—if at all—but needs to be online and stored for long periods of time. This near-line application storage must keep up with demand; however, for small- and medium-sized enterprises, predicting storage needs and controlling costs can be especially challenging as business grows.
The IBM TotalStorage DS4100 is designed to give cost-conscious enterprises an entry-level server that can help meet storage consolidation and near-line application storage needs without undo expense, while leaving them room to grow. With a dual controller, up to 44.8TB of Serial ATA (SATA) physical disk storage—and 14 internal 400GB or 250GB disk drives inside the controller, and a single controller supporting up to 5.6TB with 14 internal 400GB disk drives inside the controller—the DS4100 is designed to provide ample yet scalable storage.■ Supports storage expansion of up to 112 SATA disk drives with IBM® TotalStorage® DS4000 EXP100 enclosures, and up to 14 disk drives with single controller
■ Designed to allow upgrade to a higher capacity IBM TotalStorage DS4000 (formerly FAStT storage servers) while avoiding data loss or interruption
■ Offers high-availability features that are designed to avoid single points of failure
■ Provides four 2GB Fibre Channel host ports designed to economically support multipath failover for directattach clustered servers
■ Includes powerful, intuitive management tools, such as the IBM TotalStorage DS4000 Storage Manager, that help centrally manage the DS4000 series
IBM FAStT EXP 100 Model 1710-10Q:

For data archival, data reference and near-line storage applications, the IBM TotalStorage FAStT EXP100 Storage Expansion Unit is designed to enable the attachment of Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) disk drives for the FAStT900 and FAStT600 / DS4100 Storage Servers. The FAStT EXP100 is a rack-mountable enclosure that supports up to fourteen of the FAStT 400GB SATA disk drive modules, offering up to 5.6 terabytes (TB) of capacity per enclosure.
- 14 x 250GB Hotswap SATA HDD
- To Controllere / Redundant Failover – Dual Access Muligt
- Redundant PSU
- To stk. FC Porte 2GB
IBM EXP100 Udbydes til nypris 8.875,- uden disk.
Derudover medfølger der:
- 2 ekstra 250 GB Harddiske FRU 90P1349, heraf een muligvis død, den anden i uåbnet statisk pose.
- QLogic FC Controller: QLA2340 – QLogic PCI-X to 2GB Fibre Channel Adapter – IBM FRU 24P8174. 64-bit, 133MHz PCI-X to 2 Gb Fibre Channel adapter, single-port, optic, standard.
- 2 Fiber Kabler (Controller til DS4100, DS4100 til EXP100)
- COM Kabel
Samlet estimeret priser ved nyanskaffelse:
DS4100: 60051,- (med tre disk)
EXP100: 8875,- (uden disk)
Controller: 8600,-
26 Disk: 18200,-
Total: 95726,-
SAN’et er nedtaget fuldt fungerende, og sælges komplet, kun samlet for bedste bud over 30.000 incl. moms – der udstedes momsfaktura til køber. Det er muligt at få SAN’et tilsendt (med fragtmand), til brofaste adresser i Danmark tillæg 2000,- incl. to shipping crates (trækasser, med meder og støddæmpning mv.). Det er også muligt at afhente i 2750 Ballerup. Kun Kontant betaling / Bankoverførsel.
Evt Spørgsmål ? Skriv endelig.
Kan udvides voldsomt: (der er nok lidt mere end een ds4100 i det her billede 🙂 – det er 0.5 PetaByte storage!)
